Heavenly Bird

O bird of heavenly origin,
Castaway the doubts you harbour within.
Anchor your eyes upon the heavens above,
And connect your spirit to the Divine Being most worthy of love.

Come forth dear friend, do not be afraid,
Your longing and loneliness will soon fade.

Come, even if your wings are clipped,
With love and devotion, they will grow back well equipped.

In the meantime, remove the shackles of Dunya and illicit desires,
Then free yourself from the prison of sins and the unrelenting fires.
Regain your strength with repentance and His revelation,
Now preen those feathers with His praise and glorification.

Come, come, leave your cage,
We don’t discriminate; sinner, worshiper or sage.
Take a moment, We will wait…
But set-off soon, before it’s too late.

There, there, don’t be afraid,
Step away from the dreary shade.
Take a deep breath now and unfold your wings,
Catch the wind and take the flight to the King of kings.

Don’t turn back now, look only ahead,
Flap the wings of fear and hope as one, instead.
Flap again, and once more,
Spread out your wings and soar.

Climb, climb higher… yet again, climb…
To horizons lofty and utterly sublime.
Ascend to heights without limits nor end,
To realities beyond words that none can comprehend.

O bird of heaven, let’s no longer stray,
Come forth, do not delay.
The journey lies ahead and nightfall draws nigh.
Set course for Al-Firdous, the Paradise Most High.

O bird of heaven, your carriage awaits,
Eternal life awaits,
Home awaits,
Allah awaits…

Abu Ibrahim Shama

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